


Protective Measures We’re Taking

The UK outlook and property landscape is starting to change, as the measures imposed to control the coronavirus crisis are being eased.
Over the past two weeks some restrictions have been lifted gradually, giving us hope of moving onto the next stage of recovery. Properties will begin to re-open, so if you require the best possible advice on how to manage them as effectively as possible, we are only a phone call away.

We’re looking forward to being back in full swing of what we do best – running households, managing properties and giving our clients complete peace of mind, whether they’ve been experiencing lockdown in London or overseas.

Where our clients, staff, contractors and suppliers are concerned, safety is paramount. So whilst Government guidelines have encouraged many to return to work, we are remaining cautious and following all necessary protocols. The safety measures and processes we’re taking are outlined below.

Our Contractors

Prior to any works taking place, we will carry out all necessary Covid-19 risk assessments. All our contractors will follow social distancing rules whilst in the property, and will wear appropriate PPE whilst on site. Our engineers will be working in isolation (unless an emergency prevents this) and following health and safety protocol.

Safeguarding and Management

We’re here to manage and safeguard all our clients’ residences, whether in full occupancy or vacant various measures are undertaken to ensure that vulnerable properties are being monitored and are secure, including preparing them for the time when our clients return to life after lockdown (link to previous article). Our head office is still continuing to work from home, but our staff are available around the clock for any issues and queries you may have. Where possible, we are reducing unnecessary travel and arranging online meetings.

Cleaning Standards

Our cleaning protocol has increased across all areas. We actively encourage using the same cleaning personnel on a regular basis. This familiarity ensures the importance of using products that will sterilise the property, without damaging furnishings. This includes higher vigilance on the cleaning of contact-points, such as touch panels, lift buttons and door handles.

We’re Realistic

Whilst we are all adapting to a new ‘normality’, we are fully transparent in our approach to advising our clients. We are honest about the fact that, due to social distancing and reduced travel restrictions, time frames may be affected. However, we endeavour to manage our clients’ expectations at all times. We act as a client representative in all property and lifestyle matters – our sound, trusted and professional advice and reassurance, is the reason why we exist today.

Let us look after your most important asset. You can contact us by emailing: info@propertymanagementserviceslondon.com or calling +44 (0) 20 3457 2857.

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